I was wondering if it was possible to host off of your own domain. If so, How?
If the server you're wanting to host from has BYOND installed on it, yes. If you mean simply letting others download and run their own servers from a package on your website, that's easily possible by uploading the .zip file the 'package files' option in Dream Maker creates.
In response to Nadrew
No, I mean if you could host it right off the site. And how would I install BYOND on it?
In response to Kurosaki_Ichigo-San
No, you can't host right off the site - a website server is different from just a server. A server can be any computer connected to the internet, a website server is a program on a 'hardware' server.
For permanent/semipermanent hosting, I recommend digitalBYOND (accessable via the right-hand link panel).
In response to Hazman
Alright, Thanks. Thought i'd ask.