for (var/mob/M in world)
if (M.name == name)
<body bgcolor=#000000><center><table border=4 width="200" bgcolor=green cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 bordercolorlight=#666666 bordercolordark=#333333>
<td width=839 colspan=2>[M.name]'s Description</td>
<td>Name:</td><td bgcolor=#999999>[M.name]</td>
<td>Key:</td><td bgcolor=#999999><a href='?page=[M.key];action=Pages'>[M.key]</a></td>
<td>Race:</td><td bgcolor=#999999>[M.Race]</td>
<td>Class:</td><td bgcolor=#999999>[M.Class]</td>
<td>Status:</td><td bgcolor=#999999>[M.Status]</td>
<td width=839 colspan=2><center><b>Description</b></td>
<td colspan=2 bgcolor=#999999><center>[M.Desc]</td>
Ok im wondering how can i make it to were when i enter my desc if the text rechs the edge of the table it drops to abother line or something? is there a html or CSS property for this?