I'm confused on how to use these procs.. I'm tryng to make it so you can play a gamecube or something on a TV. The gamecube needs a TV next to it to play something and when you play something it shows up the the TV screen.

Oh, and orange is a color or fruit. X)
SSJ-Chao wrote:
I'm confused on how to use these procs.. I'm tryng to make it so you can play a gamecube or something on a TV. The gamecube needs a TV next to it to play something and when you play something it shows up the the TV screen.

Something like this?

var/obj/TV = locate() in range(1,src)
TV.icon_state = "playing_gamecube"

Oh, and orange is a color or fruit. X)

All the tastier to program with!
In response to Crispy
:O You should add in safety checks too >.>
if(!TV){usr<<"\red You must hook up the game cube right next to the TV!";return}

You never know....

- GhostAnime

Also, Orange rhymes with "door hinge" but with no single words that I know of >.> Which came first: the colour orange or the fruit orange? It should be obvious... it'! :D
Use them exactly like you use view() and oview(). The two procs you mentioned ignore any visibility whatsoever, so they go through walls and things like that. Handy for internal objects checking on eachother.

I also recommend you using viewers() and hearers(). I wrote about them in another topic; find it! =)

-- Data
In response to GhostAnime
Sweet oranges 0.o