I have a lot of requests so I thought I'd post it in one message.

My first developer-how-to question is this: How do you shuffle the inventory, or contents, so that all the items will be swaped all around?

My second question would be: How can I get only certain objects in the inventory to be shown. Like this;

if(the object variable is set to this)
don't show it in the contents
show it in the contents

My last request is how to show the HP of a player under thier character.

Thanks for reading, even if you couldn't help. I appreciate it, and thanks in advance.
for(var/obj/M in usr) //for items in user
if(M.can_see_in_incentory) //if item is visible in inventory
stat(M) //then show it
For the shuffle, I would go through each item in the inventory and swap it with a random one. You should be able to code that by yourself.
In response to Ripiz
Thanks one knows how to get the HP under the player?