I wanna do something like

Is it possible?How i do that?
make a macro.dms, than put:

A return "attack"

OR: Just make it Center, or somthing on numpad..

In response to Flame Guardian
Flame Guardian wrote:
make a macro.dms, than put:

> macro
> A return "attack"

I Run it and it gives to me a error message like it dont have a macro defined for "A".
In response to Pharaoh Atem
Make sure you actually have the verb/proc made for it on the mob...
set hidden=1
world << " M C A"

[on .dms]
a return "MCa"

- GhostAnime
In response to GhostAnime
but i have the verb O.o
In response to Pharaoh Atem
You have to have it run the verb, then. I encountered this "not defined" problem the other day. If you have anything like client/style or anything...delete those. Or put them in script files. Those were screwing up my game for some reason, so they're probably doing the same for you...if it still doesn't work, IM me on AIM(Digital Stompy) and I'll try to help you out more.
In response to Digital Stompy
Digital Stompy wrote:
You have to have it run the verb, then. I encountered this "not defined" problem the other day. If you have anything like client/style or anything...delete those. Or put them in script files. Those were screwing up my game for some reason, so they're probably doing the same for you...if it still doesn't work, IM me on AIM(Digital Stompy) and I'll try to help you out more.

Like client/view ?
In response to Pharaoh Atem
Maybe. If you don't need it, get rid of it. If you do need it, then you should implement it with your other client things. Try to keep all those around each other anyway, because they need to stay organized.

[edit] If that doesn't work, just IM me on AIM(Digital Stompy). I could help more if our messages came every few seconds instead of every 10 minutes.
In response to Digital Stompy
Digital Stompy wrote:
Maybe. If you don't need it, get rid of it. If you do need it, then you should implement it with your other client things. Try to keep all those around each other anyway, because they need to stay organized.

[edit] If that doesn't work, just IM me on AIM(Digital Stompy). I could help more if our messages came every few seconds instead of every 10 minutes.

Sorry, i dont have AIM =/
a return "Attack"

is anything wrong with that?
In response to Pharaoh Atem
please help me =//
In response to Pharaoh Atem
client/script = 'macro.dms'

That way DM knows to load the macro file. If you do anything with client/script somewhere else, you'll need to move it into macro.dms so that it works too.