I was wondering how i would make my games saveflies to be stord on a web site.

My reason of doing this would make it so that all the servers have the same save files. Makeing no need to restart a game form one server to the next.

I do know it is possble to send info to a web site via byond because on some games high scores are kept on them automaticlay.

Plz help me figuare this out

You could always do Client Side Saving which is exactly what you want.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Calus CoRPS
That would be nice But with all the tampering with savefiles i dont feel its good for the game. This way everyones saves are in one location and only me and my staff can get to them no matter who the host.
In response to Zog 200
Proably the easiest (and yet still complicated) way of doing so would be to host a central 'savefile' world which houses everyone's data, and then require your gameservers to send savefile updates to it (and retrieve them when loading a player's data) However there are a few big problems with this, namely what happens if your central server ever goes down.

I'd suggest client-side savefiles with md5 hash protection, which will protect you from possible tampering.