Jul 6 2006, 5:15 pm (Edited on Jul 6 2006, 6:40 pm)
I have a game where you can join the game, or just sit and watch. However, I can't figure out how to make it like that. I can make it so that when you login, you're automatically playing, butI can't get it so that you don't appear on the map, but you can still see it, and you can join whenever you want. Could someone help explain to me how I would do that? Also, if I have a list, and I add mobs to it, how would I randomly pick out one of the mobs? I also would like to learn how to turn a certain player's screen black for a period of time. I saw a thread about this, but they said that it may cause bugs. Is there a safer way to do this? How do I make players move slower, also? Do I just make a var like delay, and set it to a number, and in the Move proc, just check to make sure the delay is 0, and constantly subtract from it? Also, how do I display player names above their icons on the map?
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