var/prompt_title = "Character Creation"
var/help_text = "What is your name?"
var/char_name = input(usr, help_text, prompt_title) as null|text
if(char_name == "")
alert("Please choose a name!")
goto rename

Problem description:

how do you make it so that you can create your character when you login and choose new game? i also need help completing the code
Konoha ninja wrote:
how do you make it so that you can create your character when you login and choose new game? i also need help completing the code

Actually you need to scrap that code outright, not complete it. It's from an old crap demo that's abusing goto.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
this should do it

while(!p)//While the var 'p' is blank/null
p=input(src,"Create a Name for your Character","Name") as text
//this wont let the player continue until they have entered there name
Depends, do you want a create char proc to be called at the start of the game, or by clicking a create char off a title screen???