Mute(client/C in players,duration as num|null,reason as null|text) //as null|anything
set category="Mod"
if(duration)world<<"\red <b>[C.key] has been muted by [usr.key] for [duration] minutes. Reason: "
else world<<"\red <b>[C.key] has been muted by [usr.key]. Reason: [reason?"[reason]":"none"]"
Appearantly, I don't exist. This is in mod/verb (a datum, /mod).
Does anyone know why? The code never executed. I tried placing world< before if(C) but that returned a generic "C does not exist" runtime error.
Is this a BYOND Bug? What's going on?</<c>
Then, I can't believe that that mute verb would work. It ought to look something like this:
Perhaps your mute command works in some odd way that isn't apparent to me. Otherwise, you can take a look at what I wrote there.