Ok here's what i want, i want to have something that when you login your game you click the character you want when starting a new game, and something else comes up like good or bad and you also have to click on what you want to be good or bad. So in the end the character be able to tell if you pick good or bad and wthat is the caharter name and so on. I hope you guy understand what i mean lol
OK heres what i want for you to read the DM guide and DM reference.
Sayian Hunter wrote:
Ok here's what i want, i want to have something that when you login your game you click the character you want when starting a new game, and something else comes up like good or bad and you also have to click on what you want to be good or bad. So in the end the character be able to tell if you pick good or bad and wthat is the caharter name and so on. I hope you guy understand what i mean lol

Rtfm. -coughs :P-

Basically, read the guide and tutorials on this site, practice a bit, learn the code before you start asking.

Cause if you're expecting to be given the information, you won't learn as fast.

Anyway, I'll give you some advice. you're basically dealing with variables, and also user inputs (chapter 10 or 11 in the DM guide).

var/alignment = input("Alignment?") in list("Good","Evil","Neutral")
or use Alert.

But like what athk said, read the manuals.
Sayian Hunter wrote:
Ok here's what i want
This is Developer How-To, not Rent-A-Developer. Or, in your case, Enslave-A-Developer.