The web reference has a dark mode. It's nice.
What's not nice is having to click the lightbulb toggle button to turn it on each time I open it.
I open the web ref quite a bit, and it'd be neat if my choice of dark mode (or not) was saved when I opened it up and it automatically loaded my most recent choice.
Save the clicks!
Jul 29 2021, 6:07 pm
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Update: Changes to the web ref have made this script unnecessary.
Got bored and made a userscript to clicky clicky the lightbulb for me so that the web reference is always in dark mode. If you use a script manager for your browser like Tampermonkey you can click this to install it. Otherwise you can take my crappy JS code and inject it into your browser through whatever magical means you need to. // ==UserScript== |
The web reference now changes to dark/light mode based on your theme settings, which is awesome and totally good enough for me. I'll self-mark this as resolved.
there, brr