How would i go about createing a Gravity system liek the one in Tetris? I've never messed with gravity before so i wouldnt even know were to start plese help.

National Guardsmen
Dude...there isn't really is a loop making the blocks basicly move down...
In response to Sniper Joe
yea but the slowness in there falling would be called gravity wouldnt it?
In response to National Guardsmen you want pixel gravity or just ...movement downwards..
In response to National Guardsmen
No. As I said....just moving down.

spawn(1) walk(src,SOUTH,0)
In response to Sniper Joe
Have you ever played Tetris? Tetris is way more complex than moving down, same speed, slowly.
In response to Justin B
No der, HE ASKED ABOUT GRAVITY. Moving it left and right has NOTHING to do with that, and rotating for the same. I would suggest thinking about what you say before asking questions.
In response to Sniper Joe
Dude, chill out. He wants a gravity-like effect to occur on the blocks. In any case, it is not artificial gravity he wanted, like your last post claimed he did.

And it's more complicated than that. I'd venture to say that he is making a game like The Sky is Falling and he will need an actual gravity-like system put in place on the objects. Otherwise, his characters would not be able to jump.
In response to Lou
Pixel Gravity. I looked at some pixel movement demos but I wouldnt know how to turn it from mob movement into Gravity system.
In response to National Guardsmen
You mean gravity where objectA accelerates towards objectB (which is giving off the gravity) until objectA reaches it's terminal velocity?
In response to D4RK3 54B3R
I dont realy think thats what i mean but you know in Games like Tetris the blocks fall slowly giveing you time to move the blocks place on the map that kind of sytem but only with the falling