Well Ive been working on and off on my Iso Engine. But now I have another problem. null.Enter() runtime error. Why?, because I'm trying to make an iso object where there is no turf. Let me explain.

I create the iso_objects in the atom's New procedure. But the world's maxx and maxy are only say 1,5 because thats what the original map size is set to in the map editor. How ever the iso_objects are being moved to locations beyond this size.

I reset the maxx and maxy in world's New procedure but that is run after all the atoms on the map are created. In fact atoms on the map is the first thing to be done when a world starts up. Nothing comes before them.

So how do I resize the world's maxx and maxy values before the iso_objects are created by the atom's New procedure?
Green Lime wrote:
So how do I resize the world's maxx and maxy values before the iso_objects are created by the atom's New procedure?

maxx = 100
maxy = 100
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Green Lime wrote:
So how do I resize the world's maxx and maxy values before the iso_objects are created by the atom's New procedure?

> world
> maxx = 100
> maxy = 100

Thanks for your post Jon88. I've hooked it up so it works now with out any bugs. It's not like I would like it, which is Object Oriented. But it will have to do, at least until BYOND gets a function that happens before atoms on the map are created.