I am making a pokemon game and I dont know how to make a battle system. I want one similar to pokemon rp were players can battle each other. I also am very new to actually programing and I need some coders to help me with my game. If they help I can give them GM powers. I also have many more things I need help with. If you want to help either post, email me at [email protected], or IM me at yahoo. My name is abeen_or
A pokemon game would be pretty difficult for a new coder >,<
thats a pretty advanced thing that you wnat to do considering you are still new. I suggest you start with a few tutorials, and make a few simple little pragrams. also, look at the guide, it can be very helpful. you don't have to read it all, but look into the sections on procs, verbs, variables and the like.

In response to Lord of light
well... I am also making a maze game... I have looked at the tutorial and its kinda of confusing. I am an html coder lol not a real good programer. I dont really understand some of the cocepts. Also I am having problems getting the game to get online. I know I can host because I have a firewall but my friend has tried hosting and it dosent show up as an online game. Another problem is (an I've read the zip anouncement) I cant put a new version of my game up. I first was using ripway. then i read the anouncement and hosted at geocities, but the updated version dosent show up when i download.