Ok,i need to hlep with makeing a title screen out of deadrons character handleing ive looked at the demo for it but it was to sloppy for me to understand.thanks in advance
know its been long time but bump.
In response to National Guardsmen
You need to be a bit more specific in what you're asking, here.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
ok i wanting to amke it to were my title screen haveing multi character saveing used deadrons character handleing.
In response to National Guardsmen
Perhaps I should clarify. When I said you need to be specific on what you're looking for, I meant you should include details. Something kind of thought out, broken down bit by bit.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Ok i would like my saveing system to be deadrons character handleing but i would like to use it with a title screen that had new,load,Delete,and quit on it. i seen the way swarm did it in his demo on it but that wouldnt ler me save multi character for some this good enough?
In response to National Guardsmen
Ugh. Let me translate: You're trying to create a title screen using Deadron's character handling system with the options:
New, Load, Delete.

You should be able to load multiple characters instead of just one.

In response to DivineO'peanut
yea thats what i was trying to say.