In my game I have all the spells you have learnt in a statpanel. Now I want to have animated icons for these but they never seem to work. It shows one picture of the animation when I look at it and when I got to another panel and come back to this one again it shows a different part of the animation. Any ideas. Thanks.

The stat panel won't show the animation. It will show directional changes, but only updates every 8 ticks. There may be a way to use this to make it seem to animate, but I doubt it's worth the trouble.

In response to Xooxer
Oh ok. Well my iconer wont be happy as he just spent 2 hours doing 40 different spell animations for the statpanel.
In response to ADT_CLONE
You COULD make animations for a HUD.
That might work, if you don't feel like wasting the animations, plus it would look nicer.