mob/verb/Custom_Object(I as icon)
set category = "Customize"
if(!I) return //if the usr cancels.
var/O = new/obj/Customobj //creates a new object.
O:icon = I //changes the objects icon to the icon the usr chooses.
var/A = input("Will it be dense?")in list("Yes","No")
if("Yes") usr.COD=1
if("No") usr.COD=0
var/B = input("Will it block light?")in list("Yes","No")
if("Yes") usr.COO=1
if("No") usr.COO=0

set category = "Customize"
A:owner = "[usr.key]" //makes the walls owner the usr's key.



Hmm... When you change the icon state of the object it won't change, can anyone fix it? I'm confused..
I guess everyone is confused, Oh well...
In response to Kiyo Takamine
No one wants to help? ;_;
In response to Kiyo Takamine
You will get helped when you can..
In response to Kiyo Takamine
Well, I might look into your original post if I find a convenient time to do so before it gets helped. In the meantime, I'd like to point you to the Community Standards(If you read them, you will figure out why I pointed you there). While there's not much anyone can do for your current violation, save for a moderator deleting each post in violation(in which case you might not catch this message!), you can use the knowledge from the Community Standards in your future posts.

Kiyo Takamine wrote:
>     var/O = new/obj/Customobj      //creates a new object.
> O:icon = I //changes the objects icon to the icon the usr chooses.
> ObjectState(usr,O)

First off, you're abusing the ':' operator. You could just as easily have used:
var/obj/Customobj/O = new/obj/Customobj()
O.icon = I

Hmm... When you change the icon state of the object it won't change, can anyone fix it? I'm confused..

Well, it would help if you showed us the code that attempted to change the icon_state. Nothing in the code you have provided shows any mention of icon_state, and I'm assuming that you try to change it in the ObjectState() proc(By the way, you omitted the definition of ObjectState(), so we can't see how it works), but I can't know for sure. If you would post more relevant code, it would be easier to help you.
