Is this even possible? I think I have seen it in a game I played a long time ago. If it is possible, would it be done simply by downloading the game's resources or something?
In response to Master rla
How do you know? You just recently started coding.

@ MD: I'm not sure if this can be done. Though it probably can.
In response to Popisfizzy
I think I've seen this in Icon Chatterz maybe..When the host logged out, I became the host.

In response to Master rla
Master rla wrote:

That so like a newb. Like Pop said, how can you know? You haven't been here long enough to "help" ANYBODY..
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
I have seen it before also, it is probally possible but I am not sure how it would be done.

->Calus CoRPS<-
Not really, if someone's hosting and they leave the game can't continue unless a new instance is started in a new host's Dream Seeker, or Dream Daemon.
In response to Nadrew
Ok, just checkin..But I could've sworn I've seen this happen in some kind of way...0_0
Mecha Destroyer JD wrote:
Is this even possible? I think I have seen it in a game I played a long time ago. If it is possible, would it be done simply by downloading the game's resources or something?

It is possible to transfer hosting over to another computer, but the game has to be set up to allow it, and all the players will have to move over themselves (although you can use Link() to try to send them there). Here's the basic process:

  • Secondary host starts up, either at the request of the first or on its own.
  • Secondary world contacts the first to let it know it's running, and to authenticate everything. (Security is very important when dealing with world/Topic()!)
  • First world sends over all data to the second: Characters, items about the map, etc. Anything that would save would be sent. Of course it's also possible just to send the savefiles.
  • First world sends players over via Link(). They have the option of staying behind, though.
  • First world shuts down after a predetermined about of time.

    Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Someone should write a library/demo on this, I've heard it asked many times before, and before you say anything, it's not too small for a library, or easy!

Any takers?
In response to Polaris8920
Polaris8920 wrote:
Someone should write a library/demo on this, I've heard it asked many times before, and before you say anything, it's not too small for a library, or easy!

Any takers?

It's not too small for a library, but it may well be too complex. For a library to handle this it would basically have to provide the following functionality:

  • Establish protocols for the two worlds to talk to each other securely.
  • Establish a protocol for the first world to send data to the second, again securely.
  • Provide hooks so the author could define what needs to be saved or sent between worlds.
  • Implement a proc to direct users of the first world over to the second.

    Actually there are only 3 hard parts to this: 1) making sure the author uses the hook procs you create to tell it what to send over, 2) coming up with a secure communications protocol, and 3) finding the server's external IP address. Provided you can overcome those obstacles, I think this is quite doable. It might require a little thinking through to use such a library properly, though.

    Lummox JR