Hi, i need some help working up a speed system for my game. I want it so i can have ppl walk at certain speeds depending on what clan/race they are. Say if they are Akimichi since they are a fatter type of person they would walk slower etc. If anyone could help me it would be aprreciated. THX
For future reference, this goes in Developer How-To.
Kurosaki_Ichigo-San wrote:
Hi, i need some help working up a speed system for my game. I want it so i can have ppl walk at certain speeds depending on what clan/race they are. Say if they are Akimichi since they are a fatter type of person they would walk slower etc. If anyone could help me it would be aprreciated. THX

Well technicly there is a lag setting for walk and step delays... buuuuut.. 1 is about a normal speed.. and you cant go fast than one as far as i know so uhmm yeah..(manipulate the gfx speed :P)
You could set up a default delay for normal walking, then decrease or increase it based on weight and other variables.
In response to Popisfizzy
well ok. But this still doesnt help me. Well if i made a weight system it would be more of a hidden stat sorta thing but i was hoping i didnt have to go that rout.
In response to Kurosaki_Ichigo-San

I'm thinking sleep will work in Move(). If not, I'll remove this post right away.
In response to Mega fart cannon
I think, this Demo will show you:

It, tells you in the Demo that the bigger the number the slower you walk. And I am quite sure you can figure out the rest.
In response to MasterLink2003
MasterLink2003 wrote:
I think, this Demo will show you:

It, tells you in the Demo that the bigger the number the slower you walk. And I am quite sure you can figure out the rest.

Kunark's Move Delay demo is also a way to do it.