
How would I go about loading a map from this demo / libary?
Flame Sage wrote:

How would I go about loading a map from this demo / libary?

It generates dmp files, so you just go into dreammaker and load the map.

In response to Gazoot
Yes, but how would I go about doing this while the game is runing? (and have the map load into the actual game)

Since the host only has .dmb files, how would I have it load the map with say.. a verb?
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Yes, but how would I go about doing this while the game is runing? (and have the map load into the actual game)

Runtime loading of maps is not possible with dmpmaker. I think Swapmaps will help you out better in this situation. Check it out!

In response to Gazoot
Not just with DMPmaker, but with DM in general...
Is there any way I could load a .dmp file (maybe through the cache?)

Would it be possable, if the file is included in the .rsc to somehow edit the .dmb to include that map?
In response to Flame Sage
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Not just with DMPmaker, but with DM in general...
Is there any way I could load a .dmp file (maybe through the cache?)

Would it be possible, if the file is included in the .rsc to somehow edit the .dmb to include that map?

I don't believe so, but if you're the host then you can just compile and reboot.
Otherwise, just go with the verb or something along the lines of what Proelium does, which is loads up a browser window if you use a verb, and from there allows you to pick a custom map, and when it reboots the map is in the map rotation or loaded up itself.
With this, there is a new folder created which stores the new map uploaded in its original format.
In response to Sinoflife
Yes, but how would I go about doing this?
Whenever you change the map, you don't have access to the source.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
Yes, but how would I go about doing this?
Whenever you change the map, you don't have access to the source.

Just use SwapMaps. It's free and it works.
In response to Jon88
No, I want it to dump it out into a .dmp

Besides, I really do not like the way swapmaps does things..
It's too confusing, I would rather design my own.
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:

Seriously, Flame Sage, are you incapable of learning? 9 PM on the 6th to 3:40 PM on the 7th is not twenty-four hours! You've been banned enough times now to understand the rule.