I have a html file saved to my game's directory. How could I show it to players?
I think I used something like:
var/a = file2text("whatever.htm") // ' ' is probably better
// OR usr<<browser(a)

Though I may have done something else, I just remember having the playing manual of one of my games using an HTML file but then I just copied it into the actual .dm file because I kept getting weird errors about it.
M << browse(file("htmldoc.html"))

In response to EGUY
Alright, thanks.
In response to Mecha Destroyer JD
Mines shorter

In response to Hiead
Hmm..Didnt know that it would make it show up in the browser Apparently, whether you use " -or- ' makes a big difference because I did the same thing except with " and it didnt work.
In response to Hiead
Yeah when I said thanks, I meant for both of you guys.