1) He denied access to my website hosting program (monkey), basicly, it refused to host my website, unless HE inputed a password.
2) He rebooted my computer, then laughed at me.
3) He got DMCGI working, but then he wouldn't give me any passwords to use it.
Anyway, I dumped out and reinstalled.
Created a test.dmb, chmoded it to 777, and added this in my monkey.conf
# Monkey HTTP Daemon - Configuration
# ==================================
# Here the variable principals of the program are defined in respect
# to the configuration of the different types of directives.
# Server_root :
# -------------
# This variable corresponds to the location of the main server directory
# of the web pages, where the files of your site are located.
# Example:
# Server_root /home/krypton/htdocs
Server_root /root/monkey/public_html
# Port :
# ------
# Port is the number of the door in which Monkey will be listened through
# connections and petitions. This number can have any value between 1 and
# 65535. Whatever specified number less than or equal to 1024, only will
# be able to be established as a connection door if the user posesses
# privledges of Root.
Port 51234
# ServerName :
# ------------
# Allow you to set a host and domain name (e.g monkey.linuxchile.cl). If
# you are working in a local network just set your IP address or if you
# are working like localhost set your loopback address (
# Timeout :
# ---------
# The largest span of time expressed in seconds during which you should
# wait to receive the information or waiting time for the remote host to
# accept an answer. (Timeout > 0)
Timeout 15
# MaxClients :
# ------------
# Limit on the number of clients who can simultaneously connect.
MaxClients 20
# PidFile:
# --------
# File where the server guards the process number when starting.
PidFile /root/monkey/logs/monkey.pid
# AccessLog:
# ----------
# Registration file of correct request.
# AccessLog /var/log/monkey/access.log
AccessLog /root/monkey/logs/access.log
# ErrorLog:
# ---------
# Registration file of incorrect request.
# ErrorLog /var/log/monkey/error.log
ErrorLog /root/monkey/logs/error.log
# UserDir:
# --------
# Directory name for users home (/~user).
UserDir public_html
# Indexfile :
# -----------
# Number of the inicial file of aperture when calling a directory.
Indexfile index.html index.htm
# Server_ScriptAlias :
# --------------------
# If you which to have CGI support (Common Gateway Interface), you should
# define the directory where the executive scripts will be found,for that,
# you should define an alias directory towards the original of the
# following form:
# Server_ScriptAlias /name_of_alias/ original_path
# Server_ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/services/httpd/cgi-bin
# GetDir :
# --------
# In case a starting file cannot be found for the required route through
# the browser, it's possible to send the information from the directory
# with it's respective contents (values on/off).
GetDir on
# HideVersion :
# -------------
# For security reasons, sometimes people want to hide the version of his
# own webserver to clients (values on/off).
HideVersion off
# Resume:
# -------
# Allow to retrieve chunks of file (values on/off).
Resume on
# User :
# ------
# If you want the webserver to run as a process of a defined user, you can
# define it in this variable, so that the change of the user can done,
# it's necessary to execute Monkey with root priviledges. In case it's
# started by a user that doesn't have root priviledges, this variable will
# be omitted.
# User root
# AddScript
# ------------
# If you which to process some file through an interpreter like PHP, you
# can specify it with the following format:
# AddScript mime_type source_path_binary extension
# Example for PHP4.x:
# --------------------
# AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php
# AddScript dmb /dmb
# The above example defines that whatever file, it's extension being
# "php", should be processed through by "/home/my_home/php/bin/php"
#AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php
#AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php3
# --------------
# Virtualhost allow you to serve different files in different directories
# all this directioned through the host address, which is sent through the
# browser.
# Example:
# If you want to define for example www.example.org, when the request
# arrives to the machine (supposedly already accepted through DNS server),
# you should add the following entries:
# <Virtualhost>
# VirtualServerName www.example.org
# VirtualDocumentRoot /home/web/example/htdocs
# VirtualScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/web/example/cgi-bin
# VirtualForceGetDir off
# </Virtualhost>
# If you don't have a DNS Server installed, you can add your
# virtual addresses in /etc/host and play with the loopback interface. =)
# -----------------
# -----------------
# Just change the next variables if you know what are you doing.
# KeepAlive :
# -----------
# Allow persistent connections. (on/off)
KeepAlive on
# MaxKeepAliveRequest
# -------------------
# Maximun number of request per connection. (value > 0)
MaxKeepAliveRequest 20
# KeepAliveTimeout
# ----------------
# Number of seconds to wait for the next request in a persistent
# connection (value > 0).
KeepAliveTimeout 15
# Include
# -------
# Allow you have your configure file in separate files.
# Example:
# Include virtualhost.conf
# Header_file and Footer_file
# ---------------------------
# This variables allow you show information of configured files when
# full directories are shown
Header_file .header
Footer_file .footer
# This files could exist in directories to show.
# Max_IP
# ------
# Allow define the maximum of client connections
# from same IP address to server (value = 0 disable this feature).
Max_IP 5
# SymLink
# -------
# Allow request to symbolic link files.
SymLink Off
AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .dmb
(That last line)
But all it gives me is this..