I recently asked Phoenixman to do my DMCGI server, what he did was practicly destroy my computer.
1) He denied access to my website hosting program (monkey), basicly, it refused to host my website, unless HE inputed a password.
2) He rebooted my computer, then laughed at me.
3) He got DMCGI working, but then he wouldn't give me any passwords to use it.

Anyway, I dumped out and reinstalled.
Created a test.dmb, chmoded it to 777, and added this in my monkey.conf

# Monkey HTTP Daemon - Configuration
# ==================================
# Here the variable principals of the program are defined in respect
# to the configuration of the different types of directives.

# Server_root :
# -------------
# This variable corresponds to the location of the main server directory
# of the web pages, where the files of your site are located.
# Example:
# Server_root /home/krypton/htdocs

Server_root /root/monkey/public_html

# Port :
# ------
# Port is the number of the door in which Monkey will be listened through
# connections and petitions. This number can have any value between 1 and
# 65535. Whatever specified number less than or equal to 1024, only will
# be able to be established as a connection door if the user posesses
# privledges of Root.

Port 51234

# ServerName :
# ------------
# Allow you to set a host and domain name (e.g If
# you are working in a local network just set your IP address or if you
# are working like localhost set your loopback address (


# Timeout :
# ---------
# The largest span of time expressed in seconds during which you should
# wait to receive the information or waiting time for the remote host to
# accept an answer. (Timeout > 0)

Timeout 15

# MaxClients :
# ------------
# Limit on the number of clients who can simultaneously connect.

MaxClients 20

# PidFile:
# --------
# File where the server guards the process number when starting.

PidFile /root/monkey/logs/

# AccessLog:
# ----------
# Registration file of correct request.

# AccessLog /var/log/monkey/access.log
AccessLog /root/monkey/logs/access.log

# ErrorLog:
# ---------
# Registration file of incorrect request.
# ErrorLog /var/log/monkey/error.log

ErrorLog /root/monkey/logs/error.log

# UserDir:
# --------
# Directory name for users home (/~user).

UserDir public_html

# Indexfile :
# -----------
# Number of the inicial file of aperture when calling a directory.

Indexfile index.html index.htm

# Server_ScriptAlias :
# --------------------
# If you which to have CGI support (Common Gateway Interface), you should
# define the directory where the executive scripts will be found,for that,
# you should define an alias directory towards the original of the
# following form:
# Server_ScriptAlias /name_of_alias/ original_path

# Server_ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/services/httpd/cgi-bin

# GetDir :
# --------
# In case a starting file cannot be found for the required route through
# the browser, it's possible to send the information from the directory
# with it's respective contents (values on/off).

GetDir on

# HideVersion :
# -------------
# For security reasons, sometimes people want to hide the version of his
# own webserver to clients (values on/off).

HideVersion off

# Resume:
# -------
# Allow to retrieve chunks of file (values on/off).

Resume on

# User :
# ------
# If you want the webserver to run as a process of a defined user, you can
# define it in this variable, so that the change of the user can done,
# it's necessary to execute Monkey with root priviledges. In case it's
# started by a user that doesn't have root priviledges, this variable will
# be omitted.

# User root

# AddScript
# ------------
# If you which to process some file through an interpreter like PHP, you
# can specify it with the following format:
# AddScript mime_type source_path_binary extension
# Example for PHP4.x:
# --------------------
# AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php
# AddScript dmb /dmb
# The above example defines that whatever file, it's extension being
# "php", should be processed through by "/home/my_home/php/bin/php"

#AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php
#AddScript application/x-httpd-php /home/my_home/php/bin/php php3

# --------------
# Virtualhost allow you to serve different files in different directories
# all this directioned through the host address, which is sent through the
# browser.
# Example:
# If you want to define for example, when the request
# arrives to the machine (supposedly already accepted through DNS server),
# you should add the following entries:
# <Virtualhost>
# VirtualServerName
# VirtualDocumentRoot /home/web/example/htdocs
# VirtualScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/web/example/cgi-bin
# VirtualForceGetDir off
# </Virtualhost>
# If you don't have a DNS Server installed, you can add your
# virtual addresses in /etc/host and play with the loopback interface. =)

# -----------------
# -----------------
# Just change the next variables if you know what are you doing.

# KeepAlive :
# -----------
# Allow persistent connections. (on/off)

KeepAlive on

# MaxKeepAliveRequest
# -------------------
# Maximun number of request per connection. (value > 0)

MaxKeepAliveRequest 20

# KeepAliveTimeout
# ----------------
# Number of seconds to wait for the next request in a persistent
# connection (value > 0).

KeepAliveTimeout 15

# Include
# -------
# Allow you have your configure file in separate files.
# Example:
# Include virtualhost.conf

# Header_file and Footer_file
# ---------------------------
# This variables allow you show information of configured files when
# full directories are shown
Header_file .header
Footer_file .footer
# This files could exist in directories to show.

# Max_IP
# ------
# Allow define the maximum of client connections
# from same IP address to server (value = 0 disable this feature).

Max_IP 5

# SymLink
# -------
# Allow request to symbolic link files.

SymLink Off

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .dmb

(That last line)

But all it gives me is this..
Free Image Hosting at
How many times do people have to learn TO NOT TRUST phoenixman.

In response to Jiskuha
I know i know.
He's screwd me over so many times.
I was desperate!
I thought people could change.
Apparantly I was wrong.
In response to Flame Sage