Ok I want to make it where you can upload pics and use them as your ID, for example, and I can't remember how to allow you to upload files. How do I do that? What is the proc for it?
You would have to make your own proc.


What is it you want, like those little face icons in dragonball zeta? Or do you want it as your icon.
In response to RavenHeart
mob/verb/uploadpic(p as icon){pics+=p}

It's that easy to upload (well, sort of upload). If you mean upload it to a website, lookup shell().
In response to RavenHeart
Can I specify to make sure they don't upload something HUMONGUS or not a picture?
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Oh, to upload thier own pictures to the server?
In response to Ol' Yeller
How do I make a verb where you can veiw a list of pics in the list and select one to use as an emoticon?
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Hm, somthing like msn?
In response to RavenHeart
Yes pretty much. Yahoo you know. But I want to do something like that. Any help?
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
mob/var/list/pictures=list('a.png','b.png','c.png',"Your own")
var/a=input("Which picture?")as null|anything in pictures
if(a!="Your own")picture=a
mob/verb/uploadpicture(i as icon)
set hidden=1

I'm assuming it works, I haven't tried it.
In response to Ol' Yeller
Cool little system yeller. I see your in the mood to program. =P

P.S- Nice BYOND members site, I like the colors, i was thinking on doing mine colors like that. I know nothing about html though =(. I'll have to ask the community to make me a html template like that. <=P
In response to Ol' Yeller
Ol' Yeller wrote:
> mob/var/list/pictures=list('a.png','b.png','c.png',"Your own")
> mob/verb/setpicture()
> var/a=input("Which picture?")as null|anything in pictures
> if(!a)return
> if(a!="Your own")picture=a
> else
> uploadpicture()
> mob/verb/uploadpicture(i as icon)
> set hidden=1
> pictures+=i
> pictures.Swap(pictures.len-1,pictures.len)

I'm assuming it works, I haven't tried it.

Didn't work.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
What's wrong with it?
In response to Ol' Yeller
.dm:27:error:'a.png':cannot find file
.dm:27:error:'b.png':cannot find file
.dm:27:error:'c.png':cannot find file
.dm:31:error:picture:undefined var
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Aye, I'm pretty sure you can solve those errors by yourself. If not, refer to the DM guide.
In response to Hiro the Dragon King
Heh, wow, that cracked me up.

define the var.



[edit] you will have to make the a picture and b picture and c picture if you dont know.
In response to RavenHeart

The 'a.png','b.png', and 'c.png' have to be actual pictures, you can change it though.
In response to RavenHeart
Yeah I should have solveed that pne myself. I guess I wasn't thinking to clearly when I posted it.