Problem description:
Imagine that a player uses a smokebomb, but that player has special smoke vision that allows him to see clearly in the smoke. As for everyone without smoke vision, I want the smoke to be opaque. Is there a way to create opacity that does not apply to all players?
Or in the worst case scenario, is there a way to simulate the opacity for similar results?
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
You can add infra_luminosity to both the players and the smoke, then add SEE_INFRA to the player that can see in the smoke. How would I do this if the smoke were represented by a turf rather than an object? |
I turned smoke into an obj but infra_luminosity still seems to have no effect.
Read the documentation on infra luminosity. It's not as simple as setting a variable.
I did read the documentation and it makes it seem as if it is not what I'm looking for. It makes it seem as if luminosity is what I want but then I don't know how to create the 'dark' part of it. It's as if something really important about these vars is missing from the DM reference.
You can add infra_luminosity to both the players and the smoke, then add SEE_INFRA to the player that can see in the smoke.
You can add SEE_THRU to the player that can see through the smoke when they are in it. This will override all opacity though.
I think your best bet is to go with BYOND's infrared vision system, as opacity can't be selective using override images or anything like that.