Or in mob/Stat()? =/ I don't want to waste objs, I just want to use /datums (which I can do what I want with them, using objs would only give the advantage of mob/Stat and placing them in the mapmaker (which is what I want)). :/
No, you can't place them in the mapmaker.

With the stat thing, I assume you're referring to putting them in a stat window so that you can see them and use verbs they posess? I'm not sure on that. I don't think it's possible, but you could try.
Datums don't neccessarily have any location information unless you define it and even then the map tool doesn't have any way to associate this information with a map location not to mention there are a good number of internal issues. So it's not even really close to being reasonable. Though why are you trying to save objects :P? Datums have the same limit(though I don't think it is tied to the object one).
In response to Theodis
Could someone explain to me what dantums are?
I never really understood. (Sorry, Ramen, stop me if im sort of hijacing your topic.)
Is it a way to define your own type of atom? (like instead of /obj/ I could have /items)

What kind of limits do they have?
In response to Flame Sage
Datums are the ancestors of nearly all type thingies in DM. They only have the inbuilt procs New(), Del(), Read(), Write() and Topic(), and the inbuilt vars parent_type, tag, type and the list vars. They're sort of useful for making things that don't need to have a physical presence. I, for instance, would make spells in a generic fantasy game datums, with a Cast() proc that does spell stuff. Then, you can add them to a players spell list and let the player pick one, and call its cast proc. Simple.

Yes, you can create new atoms. But you need to stick the /atom out the front when constructing the type path, I think.
In response to Jp
Jp wrote:
Yes, you can create new atoms. But you need to stick the /atom out the front when constructing the type path, I think.

That's where parent_type comes in, you can set it directly.
In response to Jp
And for more information, consult Lummox JR. ;-)
Hell, the basic definition of an /atom, besides the Area Turf Obj Mob thing, is a mappable object. In DM, atoms are the only objects that can physically be placed on the map and seen by the player -- that's their purpose (A /image can be seen by the player, but it's always a purely visual effect, unlike the /atom).

It makes no sense to have an atom do a datums job, but it's often impossible to have a datum to an atom's job.
In response to Wizkidd0123
So it's mostly used for things like..
A battle marker in a game, the player can't see it, but it keeps the battle running smothe?

Stuff that arn't on the map you can make a datum?
In response to Flame Sage
Flame Sage wrote:
So it's mostly used for things like..
A battle marker in a game, the player can't see it, but it keeps the battle running smothe?

Well, yes, it could be!

Datums are also often used to hold information. Sometimes as information structures, and sometmes other uses.

Lummox JR has a great article on them, and if you haven't read it yet, click here.

Stuff that arn't on the map you can make a datum?

Yes -- if something won't show up on the map, it should often be a datum!

For example, I often see people storing administrative commands in a mob:


Unless the /mob/admin will actually be present on the map, then there's no reason to store those verbs in a /mob! Instead, store them in a datum:
