![]() Jun 10 2005, 3:19 pm
Or in mob/Stat()? =/ I don't want to waste objs, I just want to use /datums (which I can do what I want with them, using objs would only give the advantage of mob/Stat and placing them in the mapmaker (which is what I want)). :/
Datums don't neccessarily have any location information unless you define it and even then the map tool doesn't have any way to associate this information with a map location not to mention there are a good number of internal issues. So it's not even really close to being reasonable. Though why are you trying to save objects :P? Datums have the same limit(though I don't think it is tied to the object one).
Could someone explain to me what dantums are?
I never really understood. (Sorry, Ramen, stop me if im sort of hijacing your topic.) Is it a way to define your own type of atom? (like instead of /obj/ I could have /items) What kind of limits do they have? |
Datums are the ancestors of nearly all type thingies in DM. They only have the inbuilt procs New(), Del(), Read(), Write() and Topic(), and the inbuilt vars parent_type, tag, type and the list vars. They're sort of useful for making things that don't need to have a physical presence. I, for instance, would make spells in a generic fantasy game datums, with a Cast() proc that does spell stuff. Then, you can add them to a players spell list and let the player pick one, and call its cast proc. Simple.
Yes, you can create new atoms. But you need to stick the /atom out the front when constructing the type path, I think. |
Jp wrote:
Yes, you can create new atoms. But you need to stick the /atom out the front when constructing the type path, I think. That's where parent_type comes in, you can set it directly. |
And for more information, consult Lummox JR. ;-)
Hell, the basic definition of an /atom, besides the Area Turf Obj Mob thing, is a mappable object. In DM, atoms are the only objects that can physically be placed on the map and seen by the player -- that's their purpose (A /image can be seen by the player, but it's always a purely visual effect, unlike the /atom).
It makes no sense to have an atom do a datums job, but it's often impossible to have a datum to an atom's job. |
So it's mostly used for things like..
A battle marker in a game, the player can't see it, but it keeps the battle running smothe? Stuff that arn't on the map you can make a datum? |
Flame Sage wrote:
So it's mostly used for things like.. Well, yes, it could be! Datums are also often used to hold information. Sometimes as information structures, and sometmes other uses. Lummox JR has a great article on them, and if you haven't read it yet, click here. Stuff that arn't on the map you can make a datum? Yes -- if something won't show up on the map, it should often be a datum! For example, I often see people storing administrative commands in a mob: mob/admin/proc Unless the /mob/admin will actually be present on the map, then there's no reason to store those verbs in a /mob! Instead, store them in a datum: admin/proc |
With the stat thing, I assume you're referring to putting them in a stat window so that you can see them and use verbs they posess? I'm not sure on that. I don't think it's possible, but you could try.