I can't pinpoint the problem. I've never overwritten Login() in the game, and in New() I put ..() in the beginning.
I've been waiting a half hour, and it still hasn't loaded up!

Could you help me pinpoint the problem?
You MIGHT be trying to do something with alot of turfs.

for(var/T in world)
T.icon = 'Whatever.dmi'

That could add lag.
It could also be that your trying to load a huge list (like when loading objects in a world)
it's sort of hard to tell without anything to go on.
world/New() often causes startup problems.
In response to Flame Sage
I haven't edited world/New(), but I edited atom/New(). Anyways, it's not like "frozen". It's just like, opening dream seeker without a game.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
I haven't edited world/New(), but I edited atom/New(). Anyways, it's not like "frozen". It's just like, opening dream seeker without a game.

What did you do to atom/New(), or any of the other New() procs? Show the code, please.
In response to Jon88
for(var/i=1 to 6)
if("[ismob(src)?"[type]":"[name]"][i]" in darkicons)checker=1
for(var/t=0 to 6)

It worked beforehand, it just all of a sudden stopped working.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
> var
> darkness=0
> New()
> ..()
> var/checker=0
> if(!icon)checker=1
> for(var/i=1 to 6)
> if("[ismob(src)?"[type]":"[name]"][i]" in darkicons)checker=1
> if(!checker)
> var/icon/i=icon(icon,icon_state)
> for(var/t=0 to 6)
> darkicons["[ismob(src)?"[type]":"[name]"][t]"]=i.icon
> i.icon-=rgb(25,25,25)

It worked beforehand, it just all of a sudden stopped working.

How large is your map? If you have a particularly large map, or large number of map files, this code will take quite a while to execute.
In response to Jon88
30x30, and it shouldn't deal with how large the map is, seeing as it's getting added to a list, so only the first atom of a type will get addded. Also, there's "lag" like normally, before it starts the game, but then it just acts like Dream Seeker without playing a game. (Without the pager on stuff, just a blank text box)
Gah...should I post the game's src code or something? :?
In response to Jon88