Okay i love how seriously over powered we are.
I was facing an elite 2 lvls higher than me, and this 60 rogue jumps me.... along with a 55 mage....
Any normal player or normal class woulda died, but this is me, super overpowered sauce.
Elite dies 2 secs after rogue jumps me, shadowfury the mage and rogue, since they were stupid enough to be close, howl of terror, 3 dot them both, shadowbolt the rogue, fear breaks, shadowfury again, fear the mage, rogue is at 50%, fear him, conflagerate, crits =], death coil, another shadow bolt, shadow burn, mage breaks fear and starts pummeling me with spells, wand, dead rogue,
at this point, i had no mana left, and low health, healthstoned + mana potion, one last fear on the mage, 3 dot, wand him for a few seconds, conflag, crits again =]. shadowfury, then as my health got really really low, sacraficed my voidwalker, drain mana, drain mana, sheild absorbs damage, shield gone, shadowfury, 2 dots, wand, fear again, and surprisingly the fear didnt break for a full 10 seconds, i make use of bandage, and i life tap, half health and mana for me, mage is down to like 25 percent, immolate, re dot him 2 times, shadowbolt, conflagerate and shadowburn for the win.
i survived.... with 200 hp, took out an elite, rogue, and mage.....
Now you can se how SERIOUSLY overpowered us locks are =P
And what happens? I ask you what happens? After going through that gutwrenching ordeal, barely surviving, being pushed to the limits of my overpowered ness, i sit down to start drinking and eating.......
boom, 70 warrior one shots me.
oh wells =P
PS if ur wondering how this is possible, soul leech was proccing at almost every time, so yeah...
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