I'm trying to play SS13 using Pop OS distro and i'm having UI issues.
BYOND and game loads and all, i can move around and do most stuff, but i can't access computers, machines and other stuff.
I used this tutorial(link below) and it's the one that worked best for me so far, but is there any other tutorial that doesn't come with those issues?
Tutorial link https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/jqkovw/ a_stepbystep_guide_on_running_space_station_13_on/
![]() Jun 9 2021, 2:22 pm
Best response
I don't really know why you expect to use an unsupported operating system, especially not even a major flavor of Linux, and it to work. Most SS13 servers do not support linux/WINE flat-out due to IE8 issues.