I'm too lazy to transfer each and every character of a font into a .dmi, is there a way to do it?
Thanks for reading,

In response to Jon88
Yeah, I don't get one thing...>_>
How to change a font into a .dmi file...x_X
In response to Hell Ramen
I dont think you can, I think you have to go in, and make every character. There may be some way, but not that I know of.
In response to The-Man-On-The-Moon
DMIfonts includes a utility that will do that.
In response to Shadowdarke
Blech, I don't get it. =/
I've read every file, and don't get it...
Oh well, I'll come back to this later.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
Blech, I don't get it. =/
I've read every file, and don't get it...
Oh well, I'll come back to this later.

What's not to get? If you download the library, the utility that converts the font is included in it. Run that program, choose the font and style to convert, and it creates a .dmi file for you with a corresponding .dm file to use it. If you have any questions on how to use the utility I'll do what I can to help.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Oh, duh!
I was just looking at the .dm files and stuff through dreamseeker.
I didn't see the program. @_@
Thanks, Lummox.
[Edit]Damn, Lummox, this rocks...