Hello all,
Didn't think this fit in other subjects so I thought On Topic would be a board to post on
Recently, i wanted to fuck around with SS13 with a few friends. I decided to use hamachi, and thought it was going to be easy. To my surprise, it doesn't work. I looked *everywhere* online and found no information.
So i guess this is my last option, is there a way to host SS13 servers with Hamachi?
![]() Jun 1 2021, 3:00 pm
Not all routers have support for it but if your lucky yours might be enabled, Just install and press the + set the description to what ever you want ex: "BYONDGAME" port that you want your server hosted on i usually use a high number like 9000+ protocol is TCP for byond and press okay, if it doesn't work your router probably doesn't have it enabled but a lot of newer routers do.
Heres a link on how to setup a port https://www.xldevelopment.net/help/upnpwiz/ adding_a_port_mapping.htm |
As for Hamachi, its been too long since I've used it, I think everyone who connects needs to have it installed.