Now to loop through this I was thinking of just using a for loop that incremented by three.
Another way we could do this is probley with two dimensions. Mod[# entrys][3].
Any who lets say I have an object to one entry and then another object to another one. You know the objects your modifying. So I had to get some kinda link right?
So then I could know which object I am modifying. Cause well I would just name the object the same thing as a nother object being modifyed and that for loop wouldnt work. Well it would but when I checked the name of the objectect and wada wada yea.
Any way so I now have 4 data holders per entry now [Objectlink|Name|Date|Author]
Now my question is lets say Im going to find my one object which is being stored in a variable OBJOne. So I would make a for loop like the one above right and then just check to see if OBJOne is equivalent to the data in the Mod list Mod[i]. If it matches I have my objects data which would be the following declared variables right?
var/name = Mod[i+1]
var/date = Mod[i+2]
var/author = Mod[i+3]
Now then lets say I want the data in Mod[i - i+3] to be removed from the list. How would I go about doing that?
I know there is a Remove() function for list but Im not quite sure how I would use it in this case. What I want is so when I output the list again using the same for loop above it would not screw up the output by putting a empty section.
Do list lower their len so that the sections after it are in the section that was just removed? I didn't think they did.
Thanks for any help.