How would I connect?
By: Hell Ramen:####, Hell.Ramen:####, Hell-Ramen:####, or what? I can't figure it out. :(
Please, help.
Nov 25 2004, 4:34 pm
Nov 25 2004, 4:43 pm
What do you mean? Are you hosting with DreamDaemon through a shell server? Locally? Well if it is locally type in the pink box (Command box) in DreamSeeker [IP]:[PORT] or [PORT]. The first way will work for shell server also.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
I'm doing it publicly with my own PC, and typing in just the port doesn't work-ish... :( Neither the IP |
In response to Hell Ramen
Open Location > localhost:[port]
OR .hub ping THEN Open Location > [IP]:[Port] |
In response to Hell Ramen
Is it saying
Connecting to: Localhost://[PORT] If it is, try the first method of: [IP]:[PORT]. If you don't know your IP try by the way, do you have a router or something. If you do you will have to configure it. |
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Nevermind, got it. :o
Is this how I'd set my "Connect to an online game!" thing in the HUB? |
In response to Hell Ramen
Yeah, you put your [IP]:[Port] there.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Whatismyip is loaded with spyware, etc, just type .hub ping in dreamseeker, it'll say..
What's that smell wafting through the ethers!? You have a portal to the BYOND hub from IP address IP There) |
In response to Lenox
Actually I don't think there is any spyware there at all....
In response to Lenox
No. is not filled with spyware. Prove it. Find the script(s).
~>Jiskuha |
In response to Jiskuha
Well, it might not be whatismyip, but it is SOME Ip checking place, it's better to use .hub ping though, it' :P