Well, I recently quit smoking cigarettes. I have been smoking for the last five years and I have probably quit four times in between, for a short period of time. This time is for real, though (I hope). My grandma died three months ago because she smoked. She only smoked for ten years when she was younger, but it caught up to her fourty years later. Damn cigarettes and their long-term effects. I finally decided it was not worth it. Cigarettes do nothing but give you cancer.

Well, I was wondering. When you quit smoking cigarettes, is there ever a point when you do not want a cigarette? This is the fourth day I have not smoked and I heard it only takes three days to get the nicotine out of your body. Yet...I still crave it. This sucks. I was drinking with some friends last night and for those of you who smoke and know how badly you want a cigarette while you are drinking. I am so proud of myself though, I did not smoke.

I must have wasted atleast $65 a week on cigarettes. That is ridiculous. The hardest part of trying to quit is when my friends are going to go outside to smoke a cigarette...and I have to watch. Also, after I eat, oh man, I feel like dieing if I do not smoke. Yet, I have been cigarette-free for four straight days.

So, the question I am trying to ask is: Does the craveing for cigarettes ever go away? What I mean there ever a point where I will not want to smoke a cigarette anymore?
Yes, It comes sometime. Just be careful you don't replace smoking with eating or something.

Kudos on quiting though!

I love smoking, I think you're a wuss.
The want for a cigarette tends to be more mental than physical after a little while, especially if it is a habit you have had for 5 years. If you carry a pen around, you can sit it in your mouth when you have a craving, because what you really want is a cigarette in your mouth, not to smoke a cigarette.

Hell, there are good habits that I can't live without. For example, if I forget to buckle my seatbelt, I will realize it the second I start moving. If I was in a car without seatbelts, I would probably feel extremely uncomfortable. The same goes when I forget my cell phone or watch. I fell like a part of me is missing. In this way, I am every bit as addicted to my cell phone, seatbelt, and watch as you are cigarettes.
I wonder if that works for people who wack off everyday. Can they quit?

Only time will tell.
Dixon wrote:
I wonder if that works for people who wack off everyday. Can they quit?

Only time will tell.
You can become psychologically addicted to just about anything, can't you? Make it routine enough and you can form a habit.

I used to say "hmm" a lot; not because I was thinking of anything, but it ended up being a habit and I was "hmm"ing for over a year before I finally knocked it off.

Anyway, good luck with staying off cigarettes!
Cigarettes do nothing but give you cancer.

Brilliant. Now if only we could convince the 1 billion+(guessing) other dumbasses who smoke...
Some people smoke because they enjoy it guys.

I love cigars, personally.
My cousin was addicted to cigarettes before they killed his brother.

After that he quit and moved out of the house he lived in. His closet was crammed full of cigarette butts and boxes it was horrible
Jermman wrote:
Some people smoke because they enjoy it guys.

I love cigars, personally.

Yeah but, You dont inhale cigars...
Cigars you can't die from I think. I tried a whisky flavour cigar thanks to my pal John Smith.

He's a pothead,and me I'm a normal non-smoker,non-drinker(yet) kinda guy
Jermman, of course I love smoking. I enjoy it. That is pretty much the point of smoking. You enjoy to do it. It releives stress. I do not really want to quit, I have to. Well, I want to but I do not want is hard to explain. I do not want to die at an early stage in life. If my grandma did not smoke, she would be alive today. My family gets cancer really easily.

Thanks everyone for your support.

EDIT: Manio, cigars can give you mouth cancer.
I see
His closet was crammed full of cigarette butts and boxes it was horrible

Good Lord! If he was dumping his cigarette butts in the closet then smoking was probably the least of his problems.
Ya,he could of caused a fire. He had cops in his house so many times for parties and crap.

They looked in his closet for beer etc and they didn't notice the butts.

I'm glad he quit though now he works at Taco Bell and I get free food!
T.bell is only good at 2:00 A.M. when you are drunk out of your mind.
My cousin also drinks beer. One day he was pissed drunk and threw a full bottle out of his drivers window and broke the drivers window of a cop car.

The cop chased him three blocks before my cousin drove off the road and into a tree. He was in the hospital for a week and after that he got jail time for a month.

He only drinks at home now
XzDoG wrote:
Jermman wrote:
Some people smoke because they enjoy it guys.

I love cigars, personally.

Yeah but, You dont inhale cigars...

I do.
I have one thing to say, good for you. Please keep this up. Although you shouldnt have started smoking in the first place, im happy that your deciding to quit, becuase it will benifit your life so much. Especially in the financial part.
Dont you just wish cigaretts werent bad for you? Just like how i wish Fast food would be good for you. How much better the world would be.
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