Good job. Keep up the good work. Don't think of it has quitting. Think of it as not wasting countless dollars and years on them.
Cavern wrote:
It releives stress.

You said the only thing it does is cause cancer!

I've never understood the whole addiction thing, and the "you don't draw back with cigars". They just don't make sense.
Back to my cousin again guys. Just now he spazzed at his little bro who's 12 for having a pack of smokes in his pants.

My cousins had a rough life because of cigarettes.

1.His mom abandoned him and his lil bro two years ago for some pothead.

2.His father died a year after in a supposed car accident.

3.His older bro died from smoking

4.He bought a house too raise his lil bro.

Number 4 and on till now and he's having a great life...

So im taking my cousins words and saying "Smoking is a bad decision,don't do it if you love your family"
Well, I was wondering. When you quit smoking cigarettes, is there ever a point when you do not want a cigarette? This is the fourth day I have not smoked and I heard it only takes three days to get the nicotine out of your body. Yet...I still crave it. This sucks. I was drinking with some friends last night and for those of you who smoke and know how badly you want a cigarette while you are drinking. I am so proud of myself though, I did not smoke.

The nicotine addiction isn't nearly half as bad as the psychological addiction (that is, no chemicals making you crave it). People smoke not just because they are physically addicted or because it relieves stress; they smoke because they like to, it's something to do socially, and it (at the time) enhances life at home or when you're out doing things.

Cigarettes do nothing but give you cancer.

Brilliant. Now if only we could convince the 1 billion+(guessing) other dumbasses who smoke...

LOLOLOL Now if only we can convince the 1 billion+ of you dumbasses that have no idea what you're talking about because all you pay attention to is the lies they tell you on TV and in school.

Seriously, though, people do it because it's very enjoyable. They don't give a rats shit if they get cancer and people like you need to stop trying to force them to do something they don't want to do. Sure, many people get caught up with it and then want to quit, but the majority of smokers hate listening to the degrading whining that people do now because of all of those stupid anti-tobacco fundamentalist commercials. They're just like the people who go out and have lots of sex; they don't care if they die young because at least they enjoyed themselves.

XzDoG wrote:
Jermman wrote:
Some people smoke because they enjoy it guys.

I love cigars, personally.

Yeah but, You dont inhale cigars...

I do.

I have before but it is extremely bad to do. I smoked 6 swisher sweets cigars in a row and inhaled them, and I was all torn up for weeks afterwards.
Smoking is indeed crap. I games
If you just smoke tobbaco (and roll your own cigs), do you have less of a chance of getting cancer?
couldn't you go pluck a tobacco plant and smoke it?

The place where the make smokes put loads of chemicals in
Anyone else notice the fact that Manio's posting ALOT and he doesn't even have a membership? Freeloader!
Dixon wrote:
Anyone else notice the fact that Manio's posting ALOT and he doesn't even have a membership? Freeloader!

That's not it?

Not really, I keep replying to everything you say. Maybe we should stop spamming everyone blogs with our junk now.
^^. Make a blog only for our spammage and we can eat spam and I can defeat you in a spoon war and I can play Lost Planet with my cousin and pwn him then go on Dead Rising and pwn with a guitar ^^
Yeah, Manio thats what I mean. The tobbaco company puts in the chemicals. So what happens when you buy that un-chemical enhanced tobbaco for rolling your own cigarettes. Can you get cancer from those? Thats what I want to know.
Are we talking about Marijuana? =3
Dixon wrote:
Are we talking about Marijuana? =3


We are talking about sweet candy....TOBACCO
Kunark wrote:
LOLOLOL Now if only we can convince the 1 billion+ of you dumbasses that have no idea what you're talking about because all you pay attention to is the lies they tell you on TV and in school.

Seriously, though, people do it because it's very enjoyable. They don't give a rats shit if they get cancer and people like you need to stop trying to force them to do something they don't want to do. Sure, many people get caught up with it and then want to quit, but the majority of smokers hate listening to the degrading whining that people do now because of all of those stupid anti-tobacco fundamentalist commercials. They're just like the people who go out and have lots of sex; they don't care if they die young because at least they enjoyed themselves.

Kunark, I love you. This is exactly my view. I love smoking.
Kunark, I 100% agree with you on how people enjoy smoking. I enjoy it very much and do not want to quit. I cannot take it anymore though. My workouts have been half-assed, because I hardly have any breath left, and I cannot smell or taste that well anymore. Smoking is my favorite thing to do while talking to friends, when I am waiting to meet up with them, when I am drinking, when I am stressed, or when I just need a sigh of relief. I swear to God, the government better find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.

But you know what? I would rather live twenty years longer, because once I get older, I will regret ever smoking. Oh yeah, and by the way, the tobacco company makes those "anti-smoking" commercials because they are not allowed to advertise.
Knifo wrote:
Dont you just wish cigaretts werent bad for you?

If it was good for you, noone would smoke.
Bwgmon wrote:
Knifo wrote:
Dont you just wish cigaretts werent bad for you?

If it was good for you, noone would smoke.

You're really stupid.

So what happens when you buy that un-chemical enhanced tobbaco for rolling your own cigarettes. Can you get cancer from those? Thats what I want to know.

They can still increase the risk of cancer, heart disease, etc. There are a lot of factors involved: the quantity and frequency of smoking, the origin of the product used, the smoker's genetic predisposition to those ailments, and so on. That said, non-smokers still have a 100% mortality rate.
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