As if you were at the edge of the map, it doesn't scroll.
Is there anyway to do this?(Without making an uber small map)
Nov 3 2004, 4:27 pm
In response to Flame Sage
:o Don't get it...
Dang nab it. Does it mean like limit = "[x1],[y1] to [x10], [y10]" :O |
In response to Hell Ramen
uhh not really sure >.>; lol I didn't write the thing, I havnt really went into that proc yet.. I could have swarn there was a simplier way... I think its either a client or world variable.. *bangs head* I wish I could remember the variable name.
In response to Flame Sage
I thought it'd be something like...
proc() for(var/mob/M in oview(1)) M.eye = asdf |
In response to Hell Ramen
See also:
eye var (client)
lazy_eye var (client)
perspective var (client)
view var (client)
screen_loc var (atom)
Default value:
This value determines the limits that a client's eye will display. If client.perspective uses the EDGE_PERSPECTIVE flag, the view shouldn't scroll beyond the bounds set by edge_limit. If the bounds of edge_limit are as big as or smaller than the client's view, no scrolling will occur even if EDGE_PERSPECTIVE is not used. Normally this value is null, which provides freedom for the eye to move anywhere on the map. It may be changed to a text value describing the limits in more detail.
The format is similar to atom.screen_loc which uses "[x1],[y1] to [x2],[y2]". It can also use directions such as "SOUTHWEST to NORTHEAST", which refer to the limits of the map.
if(ismob(M) && M.client)
M.client.edge_limit = "[x1],[y1] to [x2],[y2]"
if(ismob(M) && M.client)
M.client.edge_limit = null
Im pretty sure this is what your looking far..
If its too hard to read, its in the BYOND Help On.. section.