step_to allows diagonal access.
X = Ground, M = Mob, P = Player
I mean just pure straight... like...
T = Possible positions
Q = non valid
And, if you disallow a mob's NE,NW,SE,SW with step_to, they don't move unless you're RIGHT infront of them.
So, how would you go about doing this?
Anyways, thanks for reading!
Nov 1 2004, 4:40 pm
In response to Pmikell
It's a lot simpler, Dragon Lord showed me a short way, but it gives a few errorrs: <DN> Move() var/oldloc = src.loc . = ..() var/mob/monster/M = src.monsters[1] //Error if(M) M.Move(oldloc) </DM> :o <font color = red>Hell Ramen (/mob): Move(the grass (64,103,1) (/turf/ground/grass), 2) runtime error: list index out of bounds proc name: Move (/mob/Move) source file: Dragon Warrior,343 usr: Hell Ramen (/mob) src: Hell Ramen (/mob) call stack: Hell Ramen (/mob): Move(the grass (64,102,1) (/turf/ground/grass), 2)</font> It works for him, yet not for me. ;9 Well, I knew I should've posted this first... But, thanks for posting that method. |
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
o.o The error is caused by referring to item 1 of src.monsters when the length of src.monsters is 0, which would be expected when there are no mobs following the player. You need to check the length of the list: Move() Another problem is that although src.monsters is a list, only one mob may follow the player because only item 1 of the list is moved. Even if you added a loop to move every mob in src.monsters, it wouldn't work because the mobs are moved to the old location of the player, which only one mob can occupy (I'm assuming that your mobs have density 1 here). Also, you would have to make sure that a mob can only start following a player when the two are orthogonally adjacent. If they were diagonally adjacent, the mob's first move would be diagonal, and if they were not adjacent at all, the mob's first move would be a jump of multiple turfs. |
In response to Pmikell
Pmikell wrote:
Hell Ramen wrote: > Move() Another problem is that although src.monsters is a list, only one mob may follow the player because only item 1 of the list is moved. Even if you added a loop to move every mob in src.monsters, it wouldn't work because the mobs are moved to the old location of the player, which only one mob can occupy (I'm assuming that your mobs have density 1 here). Shouldnt it be... Move() |
In response to XxDohxX
Thanks! The monster's not dense, and I only want one. But, thanks. :D |
In response to Pmikell
ok i did this and the skeleon wont follow me
/mob/skeleton_4 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "skeleton_4" var/mob/leader New(loc) spawn(10) followme() HeartBeat() proc/followme() set name = "follow me" leader = usr usr << "[src] is now following you." proc/HeartBeat() var/dx var/mdx var/sdx var/dy var/mdy var/sdy var/xdir var/ydir var/turf/xturf = null var/turf/yturf = null var/dir = null if (leader) dx = leader.x - x dy = leader.y - y if (dx) mdx = abs(dx) if (dx > 0) sdx = 1 xdir = EAST else if (dx < 0) sdx = -1 xdir = WEST if (dy) mdy = abs(dy) if (dy > 0) sdy = 1 ydir = NORTH else if (dy < 0) sdy = -1 ydir = SOUTH if(dx) xturf = locate(x + sdx, y, z) if (!xturf.Enter(src)) xturf = null if (dy) yturf = locate(x, y + sdy, z) if (!yturf.Enter(src)) yturf = null if (xturf && yturf) if (mdx > mdy) dir = xdir else dir = ydir else if (xturf) dir = xdir else if (yturf) dir = (yturf) if (dir) step(src, dir) spawn(10) HeartBeat() It doesn't work for me do i have to make it area for it to work? because i have been making turf/ground and mabye thats why... |
In response to Bugboy79
Way to bump a five-year-old post...
Anyway, the code is a mess. For something like this, I'd suggest just fixing it at Move() so that they cannot move diagonally. Like so: mob This will convert any diagonal movements to an appropriate cardinal direction, including that done by players and those produced by using walk_to(), step(), etc., so it's well-suited to just dropping in where you want it and working. However, there's a possibility this isn't what you want, for example, the path followed from A to B will look something like this: A# ## ###B when you may want something like: A##### # B But, if that's a major issue, just say so. |
In response to Garthor
icon = 'person.dmi' var hp=0 str=5 def=2 turf spike icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "spike" opacity = 1 Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) flick('bloodpour.dmi', src) sleep(6) usr << "You are teleported." M.loc = locate(108,74,1) mob verb Suicide(var/mob/M) M.loc = locate(108,74,1) turf teler icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "teler" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) sleep(6) usr << "You are teleported." M.loc = locate(180,14,1) turf teler1 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "teler1" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) sleep(6) usr << "You are teleported." M.loc = locate(1,180,1) turf none_see icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "none-see" opacity = 1 turf grass icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "grass" turf hill icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "hill" opacity = 1 density = 1 turf/walls name = "weak_wall" turf/walls/open icon = 'wallsbroke.dmi' turf/walls/closed icon = 'wallsok.dmi' opacity = 1 // Can't see things on the other side of the door. density = 1 // The door is solid -- you can't move through it. Click() if (get_dist(usr, src) < 2) Break() verb Break() set src in view(1) flick('wallsbreaking.dmi',src) new /turf/walls/open(src) turf/door name = "door" turf/door/open icon = 'open.dmi' turf/door/closed icon = 'closed_door.dmi' opacity = 1 // Can't see things on the other side of the door. density = 1 // The door is solid -- you can't move through it. Click() if (get_dist(usr, src) < 2) open() verb open() set src in view(1) flick('opening_door.dmi', src) new /turf/door/open(src) turf skeleton icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "skeleton" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) flick('skeleton-hit.dmi', src) sleep(6) usr << "The monster jumped up and popped you in the face!" M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf skeleton1 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "skeleton1" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) flick('tele.dmi', src) M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf fire icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "fire" luminosity = 4 Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) flick('fire.dmi', src) sleep(3) usr << "It burns!!!" M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf chair_fire icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "fire_chair" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "It burns!!!" M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf fire_chair1 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "fire_chair1" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "It burns!!!" M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf ground icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "ground" turf mud icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "mud" turf wall icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "wall" density = 1 opacity = 1 turf end_state icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "end_state" density = 1 turf you_won icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "you_won" turf water icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "water" density = 1 luminosity = 1 turf water_1 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "water_1" density = 1 luminosity = 1 turf water3 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "water3" turf start icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "start" turf end icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "end" turf dead_end icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "dead_end" turf magic1 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "magic1" luminosity = 1 turf devil icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "devil" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "Before you know it, he stabbed you with his sharp, decay-full claws :O " M.loc = locate(159,126,1) sleep(10) usr << "Even after your death, the decay remains poisoning you. The thousands of deseases will kill you fast. " sleep(200) M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf magic_skeleton icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "magic_skeleton" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "A magical sense... seems to teleport you " flick('tele.dmi', src) M.loc = locate(159,126,1) turf shiny_wall icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "shiny_wall" luminosity = 1 density = 1 turf blood icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "blood" turf blood2 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "blood2" turf wall_blood icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "wall_blood" density = 1 opacity = 1 turf chair icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "chair" turf bed icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "bed" turf candle icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "candle" density = 1 luminosity = 1 torch icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "torch" density = 1 luminosity = 2 turf web icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "web" turf invisi icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "invisi" density = 1 turf heaven icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "heaven" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) desc << "Its... Its beautiful " M.loc = locate(144,93,1) turf hole icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "hole" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "You fall down a dark deep hole... " M.loc = locate(108,74,1) turf magic icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "magic" Entered(var/mob/M) if(ismob(M)) usr << "You have been teleported" M.loc = locate(155,15,1) turf treeb icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "treeb" density = 1 treet icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "treet" density = 1 turf firework icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "firework" density = 1 turf the_dark icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "the_dark" density = 1 turf demon icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "demon" density = 1 turf ghost icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "ghost" world name = "Survive the Maze" turf = /turf/ground mob Login() mob Login() world << "You have been teleported to a magical underground maze in which there are much to see. Untill you get to the end, you will be continually teleported to the start, which is your heaven. Your death is your pride. You have nothing to lose except for your life, in which every time you die you will suffer the pain..." usr.icon_state = input("What gender?") in list ("guy","girl","classic") usr.Move(locate(1,180,1)) mob verb say(msg as text) //what the usr says is passed into "msg" as text world << "[usr]: [msg]" //the world sees chatroom-like output /mob/skeleton_4 icon = 'person.dmi' icon_state = "skeleton_4" var/mob/leader New(loc) spawn(10) followme() HeartBeat() proc/followme() set name = "follow me" leader = usr usr << "[src] is now following you." proc/HeartBeat() var/dx var/mdx var/sdx var/dy var/mdy var/sdy var/xdir var/ydir var/turf/xturf = null var/turf/yturf = null var/dir = null if (leader) dx = leader.x - x dy = leader.y - y if (dx) mdx = abs(dx) if (dx > 0) sdx = 1 xdir = EAST else if (dx < 0) sdx = -1 xdir = WEST if (dy) mdy = abs(dy) if (dy > 0) sdy = 1 ydir = NORTH else if (dy < 0) sdy = -1 ydir = SOUTH if(dx) xturf = locate(x + sdx, y, z) if (!xturf.Enter(src)) xturf = null if (dy) yturf = locate(x, y + sdy, z) if (!yturf.Enter(src)) yturf = null if (xturf && yturf) if (mdx > mdy) dir = xdir else dir = ydir else if (xturf) dir = xdir else if (yturf) dir = (yturf) if (dir) step(src, dir) spawn(10) HeartBeat() mob var/diagaffinity = 0 Move(atom/newLoc, Dir) //Don't concern ourselves with anything but movement between adjacent turfs if(!isturf(newLoc) || !isturf(loc) || get_dist(newLoc, loc) != 1) return ..() //first, get the direction var/d = get_dir(loc, newLoc) //if d is diagonal: if(d & (d-1)) //get one component of d var/nd = d & (diagaffinity?(NORTH|SOUTH):(EAST|WEST)) //switch whether we pick NORTH|SOUTH or EAST|WEST each step. diagaffinity = !diagaffinity var/turf/T = get_step(src,nd) //move in that direction if we can if(T.Enter(src)) return Move(T) else //move in the direction we didn't try //get the other component of d nd = d & (diagaffinity?(NORTH|SOUTH):(EAST|WEST)) diagaffinity = !diagaffinity T = get_step(src,nd) //attempt to make this move even if we can't, so that we Bump() return Move(T) else return ..() Ok this is my coding and my skeleton is still not following me something is wrong.... I dont know why |
In response to Bugboy79
What I posted will not make it follow you, simply prevent it from moving diagonally. You'd need to use walk_to() or step_to() to make it follow.
So you want a mob to follow a player, without making any diagonal moves, and choosing an orthogonal move that closes the distance instead of standing still when the direction to the player is not orthogonal. The following (pun not intended) mob does that: