keep it in right click.

I want to beable to remove it from the command panel for verbs and yet still have it show up for right click... is this possible?
I think set category = null is what you want to try.

In the reference under verbs, there's a big section on settings you might want to check out.
In response to tenkuu
I did check them out I didn't think of setting the category to null though... I tried playing with hidden but that removed it from right click also. But thanks it works :) Problem solved and in record time! :P
In response to Jon Snow
Jon Snow wrote:
I did check them out I didn't think of setting the category to null though... I tried playing with hidden but that removed it from right click also. But thanks it works :) Problem solved and in record time! :P

Are you sure you were handling it right? hidden removes it from listing but I don't think you need the category = null. making the verb hidden does not affect it's use, or macros wouldn't work either...
In response to Jik
Would'nt the Click() proc work?It only works if the mob right clicks whatever it is you set it to.Such as a turf/obj?
In response to CodingSkillz2
you might be using a left handed mouse, the Click() is for left click, the "normal" mouse button
In response to CodingSkillz2
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
Would'nt the Click() proc work?It only works if the mob right clicks whatever it is you set it to.Such as a turf/obj?
