Jul 19 2004, 12:22 am
Is there anyway to make an IF proc that checks if a proc has been called on an src, cause if(src.Die()) doesnt really work
In response to ShakerDeath
hifun The test is supposed to bring you to an arena with 3 ninjas. The problem is, i want them to delete when your dead or logout, and when you kill em, you teleport back |
In response to SSJ4 Compufreak
why not del them in the player's death proc?
if the ninja mobs are in a set area, when the player's death proc is run, use the block() proc to find and del all the mobs in that area... |
this makes no sence..
don't know the rest of the source, but i guess you should make a var like this:
mob/var/die = 0
and in the Die() proc, put die = 1.
then change the
If(src.die == 1)
if this doesnt work, please send more of the source.. couse i cant really help you if i dont know the rest of it...