Hello I need some help on a couple of questions I have about refrencing to the /atom/movable/minigame_piece type.
I had my turf/minigame/ have a variable board[6][7] which will hold the references to the minigame_pieces on the game board.
So when I have found out which player's turn it is I then make a C = new/atom/movable/minigame_piece/(black,red). Then I board[R][Z] = C. Now here is a couple questions.
Storing refrences to variables does that mean that board[6][7] would have to be of a type minigame_piece as well?
And when I want the C or minigame_piece to be deleted off of the STM board could I just del(board[a][b]) and cycle through variables a and b? Or would that only delete the refrence to the C minigame_piece?
Also I have two procs the first is CheckDIR() which I add the C to the end when calling it because in that proc there is a call too another proc checkcolor() which needs the C type to check and see if its the right color checker for the right persons turn.
My question is when I define the proc/CheckDIR() I have as an argumant var/atom/movable/minigame_piece/C and then in that proc when running statments there is the call to checkcolor(C) and in defining checkcolor() there is an argumant var/atom/movable/minigame_piece/C.
So I woundered is C still going to be having the same type as the orignal variable C before all the proc calling? If not could I just have the argumant in the procs var/C or what else would I need to put as an argumant to get the same type as the orginal C before the calls to the procs?
Jun 10 2004, 9:09 am