Hey, this is Master_Damien... I need a bit of help on making some quests for my new rpg. I mean, I could release it without quests... But what would I have then? Just a stupid zeta like game, where you just raise your level. I need quests. I don't know where to start though. Please help =(
![]() Mar 21 2004, 2:01 pm
![]() Mar 21 2004, 2:21 pm
Well...you can open up notepad and write one ^_^ You should base it on the "Heros Journey" Start off with "The Call" (This is why your starting on your journey could be getting an old sword like Link or something.) Next will be "The Doorway" (This is when your hero steps into the unknown world, there is no way to turn around and go back) Then its "The Tests and Trials" (This is like...80% of the game, all of the quests. Your hero meets friends, mentors, and enemys.) After that its "The Abyss" (Your hero meets complete defeat by the main baddy of the game, physicaly or mentaly, he forgets why he started the journey, or he got his arm cut off but still lives etc.) Then the "Revolation" (This is where he goes Ah HA! and thinks of a way he can kill the main baddy usually with some special item he got on his quest. Like with Link and the silver arrows.) Then "Transformation" (This is where the hero will do what he thought of and kills the baddy) Then "Atonement" (This is after the main baddy is dead and the hero goes 'woohoo! I win you suck...im hungrey.') Then at the end of the game its "The Return Home" (The hero will go home and live out his life in peace.) If you write using this guideline the story will most likley flow smoothly, and if ya look at most of the games you play on ps2 and xbox ect, you will see that they follow this.