I can't seem to get people to beable to join my game, I dont' have a firewall... or anything like that because I can send files and receive them on aim/msn, or whatever... yet people can't connect to my games!

I have a router...
is that the problem?...
So some help on this issue would be appreciated :) Thanks
Router = big problem :P

Oke oke, maybe not big, only big if you dont understand the stupid thing. Anyways, router is nothing but some hardware thats guiding the ip packets to the right port and comp. So basically all you have to do is configurate the router to send all in comming ip packets on, lets say, port 999 to your comp. If you now host your game and sellect 999 as port your game sould be seen and playable for all players.

Good luck, oooh and btw, configurating a router is not something someone can explane on this forum, try search the net. My dad configurated ours, he connected to the router by the router IP and then he had to enter a usr/pass to beable to configurate it. So might wanna look up what IP your router has and what the usr/password are.

Greetz Fint

PS: If there is someone that installed the router and your network then ask that person to configurate it. If you dunno how the network works and you start trying to configurate the router you might mess it all up. Just a TIP
In response to Fint
access your routers home page (it's in the manual) and put in the user name and password (default is admin/admin or nothing at all) then go to allowed applications/ports or w/e and put w/e port you want to go through.

BTW: becuase you're behind a router it may kick ppl off at random (it did to me atleast)