is there anyway to make a MUD (in dm) and then transfer into a browser through the BYOND CGI Program
and even if I could, would it still be an online game and with regular byond procs?
BYOND CGI is more for creating dynamic pages, processing forms, storing variables, logins, etc...not too sure if it can act as a browser game.
In response to Goku72
It can act as a browser game. Real time seems pretty much out of the picture. A tick-based game should be possible, though.
Kasumi Tomonari wrote:
is there anyway to make a MUD (in dm) and then transfer into a browser through the BYOND CGI Program
and even if I could, would it still be an online game and with regular byond procs?

I believe you could use java or something to create a telnet client that could be displayed in the browser. The telnet client could connect your DM MUD.
It's an easy matter to call BYOND procs from a webpage (you could even make a verb panel of sorts), but unless you use Ebonshadow's suggestion for a telnet client you'll have to use savefiles to keep track of what is going on and periodic page refreshes to update. The CGI program starts each time a page is requested and shuts down after the page is sent.

You could easily construct something like Race Wars Kingdoms.