hey ehm anyone know how i can get my dbz game in the dbz.fangames channel??

and when i try to send the host files (the .dmb and others) and when my host tries to host he gets it in letters.. anyone know what to do?
Mist Form wrote:
and when i try to send the host files (the .dmb and others) and when my host tries to host he gets it in letters.. anyone know what to do?

Well, for starters you're supposed to zip up your packages. Don't just compile your world; package it. It's an option right in the Build menu.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
argh i know that... but that doesn't work
In response to Mist Form
Mist Form wrote:
argh i know that... but that doesn't work

In what way are you sending the files? It sounds like your friend is trying to download them from a server that doesn't send them as the correct type. If this was via e-mail, attaching the file to e-mail should have been enouhg.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
oh well i just did someting wrong.. i think but thx for the help

oh and can you answer me other question too?
Mist Form wrote:
hey ehm anyone know how i can get my dbz game in the dbz.fangames channel??

Well, you can't get games in the fangames.dbz channel. That channel only accepts other channels. You could try submitting your game into one of the OTHER channels inside dbz.fangames. You could also try making your own channel, submitting your game to that, and then submit your channel to fangames.dbz.
In response to Jon88
how to make my own channel?
In response to Mist Form
By using the Publish Games link. You can create a new channel hub entry. It would probably be easier for you to just try and get your game accepted by Fangames.DBZ.Unpublished.
In response to Jon88
alright thank you for your help