
i got this coding:

Summon(mob/characters/M in world)
set category = "Admin"
M <<"The Admin, [usr] has summoned you."
M:loc = usr.loc
M:y -= 1

but i get these errors:

M: undefined type: M
M/:/loc: undefined type M/:/loc
M/:/y: undefined type M/:/y

could anyone help me to fix these errors??

thank you,

You shouldn't have to use the : operator, since M is already defined as a mob. Use . instead.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
As Lummox said, use the . operator rather than using the : operator. The : is eeeevil.

And the error is because you've simply copied somebody else's code without understanding how it works. "M" is defined as something that your game doesn't have. So change it to something relevant that your game does have.
In response to Crispy
yea ok, but hmm i dont understand... can you tell me how to fix the errors?? cuz every coding has "M" right?
In response to Mist Form
That is the Blue Boook. Read it.

Yes. ALL of it. ascape.dmb?type=%2FForm%2FSearch&query=&category=Tutorials
Try to read most of these, too.
In response to Mist Form
Mist Form wrote:
every coding has "M" right?

Wrong. Read everything Jon88 linked to in [link].