1. I need the script code for levels, and skills users can learn at that level.(Like at level 3, Black Mages learn Fire)
2. Also, when they start out, they are a novice. When they gain 100 exp, they get to choose what they are by talking to certain people. Is there a way to ignore the level up system for novices, but not anybody else?
3. I need a pop up box for when they reach 100 exp, asking them what they want to be, and telling them which NPC to talk to, and teleports them to that Npc's location.
4. I would like to make a teleportation pad, so that weay, when they are out in the fields, they can return to a town or city they have visited before. How do i make that?
5. A auto save feature. How do i make that?
6. Make a battle screen like Dragon warrior or final fantasy games.
Since some people think that i am asking for them to do stuff for me*coughhedgemastercough*, here is a simple game.
//This game was created by Dead_Demon at 5:07 pm
verbicon = 'Pc.dmi'
world"[usr] logs on"icon_state = gender
turfShout(msg as text)
world"[usr]: [msg]"
dirticon = 'grass.dmi'
wallicon = 'dirt.dmi'
flooricon = 'wall.dmi'
density = 1
icon = 'floor.dmi'
Not what I said at all... and do not double post. If you have something to add to your request, you can add it to the original thread and leave the forum uncluttered.
Knowing how to create a game is not understanding DM. Knowing how to create an original bit of coding in order to accomplish any task is understanding DM. You're not interested in understanding DM because you believe you already do. Hence, it would be impossible for me to help you... anything I show you how to do, you'd add to your list of "Things I Understand!", without actually understanding them.
So you'd come back in a week saying, "Okay, now I know how experience works and level works, but how do I make it so you gain in strength*?", for example, still not having grasped that experience, level, and strength are arbitrary, artificial concepts and doing one is the same as doing the other.
*Or any other attribute/statistic that's supposed to go up when something happens.