Dec 5 2003, 12:16 pm
is there any easire way to use huds, all the giberish with the new/obj/hud stuff confuses my mind, and if there is any other way to make, for instance: health bars, on the screen i would be happy if there was another way
Dec 5 2003, 12:29 pm
That "gibberish" shouldn't be gibberish. You have /obj/hud objects. They're under /obj/hud for organizational purposes only. Each one has the verbs and image you want for it. The "new" gibberish is creating a new /obj/hud that is placed in client.screen(the player's screen). There's no other good way to do it(that I know of, at least).
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
That "gibberish" shouldn't be gibberish. You have /obj/hud objects. They're under /obj/hud for organizational purposes only. Each one has the verbs and image you want for it. The "new" gibberish is creating a new /obj/hud that is placed in client.screen(the player's screen). There's no other good way to do it(that I know of, at least). yea, umm, if you could help me understand the giberish that i speak of and put it into my game, i'd be happy to learn how |