Ok ive looked EVERYWHERE for a battle system.. that works... that isnt a Click() one..
I found 2 in the library/demos that i liked, but didnt work.
Well they worked, but they both have ultima bugs.
I'd REALLY like a battle system kind of like slime journey's....
Nov 30 2003, 12:15 pm
In response to Airjoe
Its like the monsters.. are walking around.. and you walk up to one.. and a dialog box comes up and has 3 buttons. "attack" "spell" and "run" and if you click attack, it attacks, and it says whats happening in the text window.. If you click Spell, another dialog box comes up witha list of spells to cast.. and run... well.. runs! Thanks -Cait EDIT: I think i was thinking of something else.. anyways.. when you come up to a monster.. this... is what happens.. input("You encountered [src]! Command?","Battle") in list("Attack","Spell","Item","Defend","Run") if("Attack") Attack() else if("Spell") Spell() else if("Item") Item() else if("Defend") Defend() else if("Run") Run() Soo.. I Need to know how to.. (i think this is the right word) Define.. what Attack, Spell, ETC. Do... and how to make that box "You encountered [src]! etc" pop up when i touch a monster.. and.. how to make monsters attack after you do whatever for your turn... Thanks soo much -Cait |
In response to Mashed_The_Hamster
#1 For making the "You encounter [src]", look up Bump() in the help file.
#2 Make variables for characters and monsters, such as: strength defense health #3 An attack would be something like: mob proc Attack(mob/M1, mob/M2) var/StillGoing=1 while(StillGoing) var/Damage=M1.strength-M2.defense if(Damage<=0) M1<<"You are too weak to do any damage." StillGoing=0 else if(Damage>0) M1<<"You do [Damage] to [M2]" M2.health-=Damage StillGoing=0 [edit] That would be a player's attack proc. You would need a monster attack proc, too. When you call it, using a Bump() proc like the following, call it like this: Attack(src,M) Bump proc: mob Players Bump(mob/M) if(istype(M,/mob/Enemies) src<<"You have encountered [M]!" var/WhatchaGunnaDo = input()//whatever switch(WhatchaGunnaDo) if("Attack") Attack(src,M) |
And, of course, to quote Lummox JR (not sure about quote, but he said something like this) a battle system is the heart of a game, and like a heart, the adding, removing, and changing of battle systems aren't easy.