I have tons of coding that isn't included, and it wont show up when it's downloaded, please help?

if it's not included, why download it?
In response to Airjoe
Becuase they don't help the game, but they help the person who is downloading my library.....
In response to Master_Damien
Like demos in libraries? Well, there are a couple of ways.

One way is to uninclude the file, then put this into the DME file, before all the other #include lines. Make sure that you don't put it between //BEGIN and //END lines; it has to be after an //END line but before a //BEGIN line:

<code>#ifdef __MAIN__ #include "" #endif</code>

The second way is to include the file, and specify it as a demo file in the Package Files dialog box.

Take your pick; I prefer the first way, in case I forget to specify it every time I repackage the library, but either will work.