Here is what I have:
Attack(mob/M as mob in view())
attackmove(usr, M)
proc/attackmove(mob/a, mob/M)
step_towards(a, M)
while(M.DeathCheck() == 0)
attack2(a, M)
var/delay = 50 - (M:spd - a:spd)
attack2(M, a)
delay = 50 - (a:spd - M:spd)
world << "[M] has been killed by [a]"
proc/attack2(mob/a, mob/M)
damage = a:str - M:def + rand(1,a:str)
a << "[damage] damage!"
M.hp -= damage
if(src.hp <= 0)
return 1
return 0
What I'm trying to do is have both people attack at the same time but have delays between there attacks. Also I don't want them to have to press Attack 1000x (and not to use macros)
The Problem is that it freezes when i try to attack a Slime
Nov 29 2003, 8:05 am (Edited on Nov 29 2003, 8:56 am)
In response to Yota
fixed everything, except i have 1 more error
proc/attackmove(mob/M) StartAttackMove step_towards(src, M) if(src.Bump(M)) M << "YOU ARE UNDER ATTACK" while(M.DeathCheck() == 0) src.attack2(M) var/delay = 50 - (M:spd - src.spd) spawn(delay) M.attack2(src) delay = 50 - (src.spd - M:spd) spawn(delay) (*)world << "[M] has been killed by [src]" M.Dead() else goto StartAttackMove in the starred (*) line im getting an invalid expression warning --- nvm i got the errors out but it still freezes |
In response to Dark Weasel
Like I said, it's keeps looping untill the thing dies, but since the slime isn't taking damage via defence or such, it keeps looping forever! Make the thing always get damaged, even if damage minimum is 0.1.
The thing being attacked isn't losnig HP! Make it give a minimum of 1 dmg or something. You may also want to spawn the procedure.
I really think you should also re-arrange the way your procedures are declared. Either make it a global procedure, or rather than usinf "mob/A" as a paramiter, just remove that, and wherever a. is, replace with src. (Or just remove them.)