...How do you control what verb things are put into the right click menus?..

"Follow Mob" is in there
"Stop Follwing Mob" iisnt o.O.
The verb doesnt belong to the mob you're right clicking on..Like follow mob does
In response to Dession
set src in oviewers()

This verb can only be used by players that can see this atom.

I used oviewers() because the atom holding the varb shouldn't be able to use it, also even if the holder can't see the player using it, the players seeing it can still use it.
In response to Yota
OK ive been using. set src in oview(1)
So uh.. how can i make it so when i click on ONLY pets it says 'follow stop' and not... everything?
set popup_menu = Setting
Setting: 1 (default) for showing this verb in the popup menus; 0 otherwise.
Use this to prevent a verb from showing up in the popup "context" menu when users right-click on objects